How does M. work?
Do you know something about criminal activities? Have you seen something, or do you recognize someone on images? This could be valuable information that can lead to the detection of offenders and stop crime. But when the perpetrator knows you, you may not feel safe reporting by name. That's why Meld Misdaad Anoniem or M. has been established.
M. is the independent reporting center where you can anonymously provide information about crime. You can report to M. about, among other things, the production and trade of drugs, violent crimes, robberies, arson, weapons, human trafficking or fraud and corruption. Every piece of information, no matter how small, can make a difference. We make sure that the information reaches the police and other investigative agencies, but that you as a reporter remain unknown.
Meld Misdaad Anoniem is an independant organisation. The anonymity and safety of reporters is our top priority. We will only proceed your report to the police, municipality or other investigative agencies if your anonymity is guaranteed. To guarantee your anonymity we go to great lengths. The anonymity of the reporter is even more important to us than solving a case.
Who you are remains unknown
- We are not part of the police
- We can't see your phone number or IP address
- We do not record any conversations
- We do not store any data
- We do not work with public systems, such as WhatsApp
- You will never hear from us again after your report
What you know can help solve a case
M. employs a team of well-trained staff. They are trained to protect your anonymity. The details of your report are carefully reviewed. Do you accidentally reveal who you are? Don't worry. We won't report this piece of information. Information that can be traced back to you will never appear in the report. The anonymity of the reporter is further protected by technical measures and jurisprudence. The information you give us is completely anonymous and will be passed on to the police, municipality or other investigative authorities. This way, no information about you ends up in the suspect's file. You do not have to testify in court.
Are you the only witness?
To M., you are always anonymous. But are you also anonymous to the person you are reporting about? Is the perpetrator not going to think of you? That question is always asked. If you have been told something in confidence, we do not make a report.
What you know can help solve a case.
The information you give us can make you environment a little safer. Only if you anonymity can be guaranteed will we send an anonymous report to the police and other investigative services. They can't just use it to raid or arrest someone. An anonymous report must first be checked. Are the details in the report correct and is more known about a person, location or event? Further investigation may reveal new facts. Only if those facts substantiate the anonymous report can investigative partners take action.
An M.-tip can:
- be added to an investigation
- be the reason to start a new investigation
- be the reason to reopen a case
An anonymous report is a puzzle piece in a bigger picture and becomes part of the usual investigations of the police or another investigative service. The investigative authorities themselves are responsible for what is done with the information. They must comply with existing laws and regulations.